Significance of Qods in Quran

18:07 - October 31, 2006
News ID: 1505375
A nation's territory is a fundamental element in its identity. Significance of Qods territory in Quran has been discussed in an Iranian weblog.
Continuing our policy in introducing Quranic weblogs, this time we want to introduce another Quranic blog named "Human impression in Quran".

Blogger refers to the importance of Qods territory in Quran and mentions that many of the civilized nations are known with the territories in which they took shapes. In this way, they gain their identity. Some places and territories are revered and entering them is an unforgiven sin.

Qods territory is among the respected places loved by all divine religion's followers. The word Qods in Arabic stands for its purity.

God refers to Qods in holy Quran as the sacred land, although there lived some oppressor people and did not allow Moses people to enter their territory.

The reason behind Qods' respectability for people all around the world is nothing but that it is the place in which many of the greatest prophets commenced their prophethood. Therefore, its esteemed status is due to its religious value not its national one.

In Quran's view, national and tribal aspects have no value and what is valued is piety and belief in God. The most revered person before god is the most pious one.

In Muslims' view, Qods is the place in which opens one of the heaven's doors and the ascension of holy Prophet of Islam has been performed. God, in Quran, the first verse of Sura Esra, calls holy temple of Qods as a mosque and put it next to Masjed-ol-Haram.

Hazrat Ibrahim, the great prophet, after some years of living in Qods, departed toward Hijaz in Arabia and built Kaaba to create a link between these two holy places.

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