Quranic Movies Dubbed into Amharic

11:20 - April 10, 2012
News ID: 2301641
A series of Quranic and Islamic movies produced in the Islamic Republic of Iran have been dubbed into Amharic language.
According to IQNA’s ICRO branch, as Ethiopians have well received Iranian cinema and TV products in recent years, a number of new Quranic and religious movies including ‘Ibrahim, Khalilullah’, “Jesus, Ruhollah’, “Prophet Job’, and ‘The Kingdom of Solomon’ as well as TV series such as ‘Men of Angeles’, ‘Prophet Joseph’ and ‘Holy Mary’ were dubbed into Amharic.
Amharic is an official language in the Republic of Ethiopia in Eastern Africa.
‘Color of God’ and ‘Children of Heaven’ by Iranian director Majid Majidi, and ‘Seven Faces of Iran’ a documentary by Farzin Rezaee on Iran’s 7000-year history, are among other works dubbed into the East African Semitic language for Ethiopian viewers.
Ethiopia has a Muslim population of around 25 percent, making up 40 percent of the total population.
