By Maryam Qarehgozlou

Raising Practicing Muslim Children

10:37 - November 20, 2022
News ID: 3481323
TEHRAN (IQNA) – Raising children as practicing Muslims in a world that is drowning us in un-Islamic ideas and values makes it a daunting task.


Raising children as practicing Muslims requires determination, a lot of love, leniency, and gentility.

For Muslim parents World Children's Day, observed annually on November 20, could be a reminder of their primary mission to protect and prepare their kids for the hereafter, and what follows might help you in this path.

Be a role model

Firstly, and most importantly, raising Muslim Children entails self-regulation as kids learn what they see more than what they hear.

So, it is of great significance to be a role model for them. Encourage them to worship alongside you.

Even if your kids attend Islamic programs, they need religious education reinforced at home. Therefore, parents must be committed to learning about Islam themselves.

You need to be educated enough to teach them their religion, give them resources to learn, and have conversations about questions they may have in mind like why God asks us to worship Him and why evil exists. 

The best way to start is to read the Quran with them preferably every day. After reading a chapter or some verses, let them ask questions. These questions could both be about what you have already read and how they can be applied to their lives.

Establish good relationship

Developing an intimate relationship where children feel comfortable sharing their experiences and talking to their parents is another step parents should take in this regard.

Undoubtedly, it takes time to develop this level of rapport and connection, but it is a result of being in the company of your child. This would help to create closeness and the ability to communicate your thoughts and beliefs.

When parents succeed in developing a close relation with their children they will be aware and selective of who their children are befriending and can ideally play a role in ensuring they are spending time with the like-minded kids.

Join Muslim communities

Help your children to engage with fellow practicing Muslims in a Halaqa. In Islamic terminology, Halaqa refers to a religious gathering or meeting for the study of Islam and the Quran.

This will allow your children to find friends in these communities who can help them and support them with the questions and problems they do not feel they can discuss with adults while still keeping to the teachings of Allah.

Create Islamic library

Collect religious teachings including books, movies, etc. about Islam and create an Islamic library.

Make your children responsible for tending the library and even possibly suggesting new volumes or movies that you should collect.

They will be able to satisfy their intellectual curiosity by looking for materials which answer the questions they have.

Another advantage is that you can get an idea of what is going on in their minds and what they are going through and experiencing by paying attention to what they are suggesting.

Teach your children about Islam from the very beginning

It is never wrong to teach children early on about Islam, but it is important to understand their levels of comprehension and maturity.

If children are pushed too early and too harshly they may end up with a rebellious streak. They may feel the teachings of Islam were not accompanied with proper reasoning or understanding.

And while all this is going on, parents also need to know about their children’s interests and strengths. This can change the way they view the world and their religion a great deal.

Develop an encouraging and supportive environment for your  children. The atmosphere in your house must be encouraging for kids to express their ideas, views and thoughts without fear of ridicule, as long as they are respectful and aligned with Islamic teachings.

Always emphasize that God is their source of hope and joy, but must also be feared.

Help them to come to understand that Islam is a way of life that guides us through every aspect of our lives, including our faith, family relationships, law and social order.
