Remembering Sheikh Makkavi Al-Sunbati on 24th Anniversary

IQNA – January 1 marked the 24th anniversary of the passing of Sheikh Makkavi al-Sunbati, a renowned Quran reciter on Egyptian radio.

Remembering Sheikh Makkavi Al-Sunbati on 24th Anniversary

Born on December 2, 1963, in the village of Al-Sunabat, Fayum province, Egypt, Sheikh Makkavi Mahmoud Muhammad Ayyub, commonly known as Sheikh Makkavi Al-Sunbati, began his journey with the Quran at the village school.

After mastering the Quranic teachings and memorizing the holy book, he furthered his expertise in Quranic Maqamaat, captivating audiences in Egypt with his recitations.

Sheikh Makkavi 's exceptional talent led him to win the top spot in Egypt's Holy Quran memorization and recitation competition, earning him a place at Cairo Qur'an Radio in 1998.

His recitation style was distinctive, characterized by a robust voice, a broad vocal range, and seamless transitions between different recitation styles that aligned with the content of the verses. Listeners found it challenging to discern these changes, enhancing the overall experience of his recitations.

Regrettably, Sheikh Makkavi 's life was cut short, as he passed away in 2000 at the age of 37.

As a tribute, a recitation video captures a portion of Sheikh Makkavi 's exquisite delivery, specifically from verse 124 of Surah An-Nahl:
