The ceremony was organized at Al-Zahra Husseiniyah (religious center) in Tehran on Wednesday, June 5.
Abolqassemi recited Verses 144-148 of Surah Al Imran:
“Muhammad is only a Messenger. There lived other Messengers before him. Should (Muhammad) die or be slain, would you then turn back to your pre-Islamic behavior? Whoever does so can cause no harm to God. God will reward those who give thanks.
No one can die without the permission of God. This is a written decree of the appointed term for life. We shall give worldly gains to whoever wants them. Those who want rewards in the life hereafter will also receive them. We reward those who give thanks.
Many godly people fought to help the Prophets in the cause of God. They did not lose courage, show weakness, or give in when facing hardships in their fight for the cause of God. God loves those who have patience.
The only words that they spoke were, ‘Lord, forgive our sins and our excess in our dealings, make us steadfast (in the fight for Your cause), and grant us victory over the unbelievers.’
God gave them their reward in this world and the best reward of the life to come. God loves the righteous ones.”