Mahdi is a messianic figure that is believed to appear at the end of times to establish peace and justice across the world and convey the message of God’s mercy to humans.
When God wants to refer to the success of the Islamic community, He uses the word “Fath” as in verse one of Surah An-Nasr: “when help and victory comes from God”. This means that when God’s support arrives, a victory will be achieved that will push away all the enemies and oppressors.
Peace cannot be attained by killing people
Victory is a source of honor in the religious culture. The government of Imam Mahdi (AS) brings both honor and victory, that is, it is God's will that this government enjoys divine honor and support; victory is not set to be obtained through war, bloodshed, and weapons of mass destruction, rather, through divine power.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) conquered Mecca without bloodshed; Mecca was the cradle of infidelity and carried the worst enmities toward the Prophet (PBUH). No one believed that the Prophet (PBUH) would enter Mecca with such honor and without bloodshed. Can war act as the origin of a global movement in the first place? It is love and kindness that can create this movement.
It is necessary to pay attention to divine command as we read in verses 63 and 64 of Surah Al-Waqi'a: “Have you seen what you sow? Do you make it grow or is it We who make it grow?” One should note this concept when studying political and social issues.
Sowing the seed is done by man, but God makes the plants grow.
This can also be seen in the rule of Hazrat Mahdi and it shows that the Imam’s victory needs divine support in addition to human efforts.
This article is a summary of remarks made by Hojat-ol-Islam Morteza Javadi, a teacher at Qom Seminary.