Effects of Friendship on One's Character

10:05 - September 19, 2022
News ID: 3480538
TEHRAN (IQNA) – Man is intrinsically social and hence is in need of a companion. However, not every type of friend can be beneficial. Choosing friends is of great importance in one’s life as it can even change the destiny of individuals.


The Quran says all believers are friends and brothers, expecting that all the faithful have the same point of view. “Believers are indeed brothers, therefore make things right among your two brothers and fear Allah, so that you will be subject to mercy.” (Surah Al-Hujurat, verse 10)

Therefore, all believers are friends and brothers and should help each other on the path of growth.

Friends are among the elements that affect one’s character; this effect is more evident in one’s thoughts and behaviors. Another verse of the Holy Quran points to one of the bad features of friends, noting that only believers can be good friends. “Most partners transgress against each other except for the righteously striving believers who are very few.” (Surah Sad, verse 24)

Lack of proper attention to choosing friends not only inflicts losses in this world but also leads to regret in the Akhirah. “Woe to us! Would that we had not been friends with so and so.” (Surah Al-Furqan, verse 28) Hence, one of the regrets of people in Akhirah is their choice of bad companions.

Friendships that are based on sin and corruption will turn into animosity on the Day of Judgment because every one of them considers the other side as the reason for his misery. On the other hand, the friendship of the believers and the righteous is a source of blessing both in this world and in the Hereafter.

