But why should God test us? Isn’t testing meant to know more about people or phenomena? If that is the case, why does God test us given the fact that He is omniscient and all-knowing and has knowledge about absolutely everything? There is nothing hidden from Him to be disclosed via testing.
When it comes to discussing divine tests, it is important to note that there is a fundamental difference between them and human tests.
The purpose of the latter is to know more about a person while the former’s aim is Tabiyah (development of character and the training of people in different aspects).
It is a divine Sunnah (law) that people are tested in order for their hidden talents to burgeon.
Another reason is that by passing divine tests, we get stronger and move more firmly and steadfastly on the path to perfection.
Pointing to this fact, the Holy Quran says:
“God might test what was in your breasts and that He might purge what was in your hearts; and Allah knows what is in the breasts.” (Verse 154 of Surah Al Imran)
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Imam Ali (AS) offers a profound reasoning for divine tests: “Even though Allah, the Glorified, knows them (people) more than they know themselves, yet He does so (tests them) to let them perform actions with which they earn reward or punishment.”
Hence, one’s internal characteristics cannot be a criterion for reward or punishment unless they are manifested in actions. If it was not for divine tests, people’s talents and aptitudes would not be manifested in deeds.