Omar Abdul Qadir Ghandour has sent a memo to IQNA, the translation of which follows:
After the signing of a ceasefire agreement between the Israeli adversary and the Hamas movement, celebrations erupted among the resilient and determined people of Gaza, as well as in Yemen and numerous other countries. These celebrations marked the triumph of Palestinian blood over the Israeli sword—a victory of blood over oppression. For the Israeli regime, accepting the decision to enter into a ceasefire was not an easy step. This is a regime that, prior to signing the ceasefire and prisoner-exchange agreement, spent 15 relentless months attempting to erase Hamas and the resistance from existence.
Bezalel Smotrich, Israel’s far-right finance minister declared that the agreement was “a bad, humiliating, and dangerous deal for Israel’s security,” claiming that it represented a defeat at the hands of Hamas.
This outcome is a reflection of the words of Almighty God in verse 249 of Surah Al-Baqarah: “Those who were certain that they would encounter Allah said, ‘How many a small party has overcome a larger party by Allah’s will! And Allah is with the patient.’”
The world bore witness to how a small group of steadfast and patient fighters in Gaza managed to overcome the fourth most powerful military in the world, the Israeli army.
Previously, we witnessed the manifestation of many blessed verses through the brave resistance fighters in various fields, and we shall continue to see them in the future. With the steadfastness of the people of Gaza, these noble verses have been brought to life, such as verse 9 of Surah Ya-Sin: “And We have put a barrier before them and a barrier behind them, then We have blind-folded them, so they do not see.”
And also verse 151 of Surah Al-Imran: “We shall cast terror into the hearts of the faithless because of their ascribing partners to Allah, for which He has not sent down any authority, and their refuge shall be the Fire, and evil is the [final] abode of the wrongdoers.”
Victory belongs to the resistance at every moment. All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all worlds.