Quranic Figures/9

First Divine Punishment: Noah’s Flood

12:50 - September 19, 2022
News ID: 3480542
TEHRAN (IQNA) – Throughout history, different punishments have been sent by God for those who have committed grave sins. The first of such punishments was the flood that came when Noah (AS) was the messenger of God.

Noah's flood


During that flood, those who did not believe in the guidance of divine prophets perished.

Noah (AS) was the first of the five Ulul-Azm Prophets. According to some accounts, Noah was from the ninth generation of Adam’s children. There are different accounts about his time of birth. Some sources say he was born when Adam died. As for where he resided, some believe that he lived in Mesopotamia and in a place which is now Kufa in Iraq.   

Among the attributes of Noah was his thankfulness for the blessings of God.

He is the father of humanity and apart from Adam, Shayth and Idris, all other prophets of God were his descendants.

Noah’s wide was Waliya and he had four sons: Saam, Ham, Yaafth and Kanaan.

After the death of Adam, people were one Ummah and all monotheists. They had a simple life. After some time some of them started to deviate from the path of guidance. When idolatry and polytheism spread, God sent Noah to people as a prophet. He spent 950 years to invite his people to monotheism and abandoning idolatry. However, no one became a believer but a few. It was then that Noah was tasked with building the Ark.

Noah’s occupation is said to have been carpentry. While carpentry existed before him, building a vessel at the order of God was happening for the first time. And he started building it in a place that was far from water. That is why people who did not believe in Noah’s message started to tease him. Among them were his wife and his son Kanaan.

After the Ark was completed, Noah, at the order of God, had his family and those who believed him board the vessel. He also took animals with him in pairs.

Then suddenly a huge storm broke out and later there was an enormous flood. Only those who believed Noah and boarded the Ark survived. All others, including his son Kanaan, lost their lives.

After some time the divine punishment ended and the Ark landed on Mount Judi (or Cudi), which is located in southeast Turkey.

So Noah was the first prophet in whose time there was a divine punishment.

There are no reports about Noah’s life after the flood. It is only reported that he lived 60 or 79 years after that. Overall, he is said to have lived between 930 to 2,500 years.

According to some account, his grave is in Najaf, Iraq, beside the holy shrine of Imam Ali (AS) although some other reports say he was buried in Mecca, Iraq’s Mosul or Kufa, India, Lebanon or Iran.


