The Astans (custodianships) of the two holy shrines installed black flags and mourning banners in the courtyards of the scared sites, Al-Kafeel reported.
Sheikh Zain Al-Abidin al-Quraishi, an official with the Astan of Hazrat Abbas (AS) holy shrine, said that on this sorrowful occasion and the anniversary of the passing of Lady Zaynab (SA), the Astan has taken the necessary measures to hold mourning ceremonies at the shrine.
Black flags of mourning have been installed on the walls surrounding the holy shrine, both inside and outside, and the Bab al-Qibla Street has been prepared for mourning processions, he noted.
The engineering team of the Astan also replaced the lighting inside and outside the shrine with red lights to signify mourning and sorrow for this occasion, al-Quraishi stated.
He went on to say that cooperation between relevant departments has been established to maintain order at the shrine and manage the processions, determining the entry and exit routes for mourners and the processions heading towards the sacred shrine.
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Three halls have been prepared at various points within the shrine for holding mourning ceremonies, he said.
The 15th day of the lunar Hijri month of Rajab (January 16 this year) is mourned by Muslims as the demise anniversary of Hazrat Zeynab (SA).