This is according to Ayatollah Ahmad Moballeghi, a senior Iranian cleric and seminary scholar, who made the statements in an Op-Ed in the Persian service of IQNA. What follows is the translation of his article:
Sport is nothing but a breeze arising from the innate nature of humans, flowing through the veins of societies from the dawn of time, irrespective of their diverse colors and languages.
This truth attests to a fundamental similarity among humans: a shared instinctive drive for movement, vigor, coordination, and competition—a drive that has transcended the boundaries of time and space, testifying to the unity of human essence.
In Islam, sport can be examined through several foundational principles: strength, focus on beneficial pursuits, balance, competition in goodness, and worship through sincere intention.
On the principle of physical and spiritual strength, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer.” A healthy body brings strength and capability, while a sick or weak body leads to frailty and passivity.
Similarly, the soul, like the body, when healthy, radiates energy and vitality, but when troubled or ailing, it succumbs to weakness and despair. Thus, physical and mental well-being are keys to the strength that Islam advocates.
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Regarding the focus on beneficial pursuits, the Prophet (PBUH) advised: “Be keen on what benefits you.” Sport, as a treasure trove of benefits, promotes physical health, psychological balance, and societal unity.
A strong body, through sport, becomes a tool for worship and good deeds, a balanced soul steers clear of extremes, and a harmonious society fosters solidarity and cooperation under the umbrella of sport.
Sport is not merely a fleeting activity; it is an eternal message whispering to humanity: "Be strong in body, noble in spirit, and beneficial to your community."
On the principle of balance, Islam, as a religion of moderation, calls humanity to equilibrium in all aspects of life. One of the clearest manifestations of this balance is the harmony between body and soul.
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Sport breathes life into the spirit, quells anxiety, and brings tranquility, empowering not only the body but also the soul. It can sweep away sorrow, especially when accompanied by the remembrance of God, the source of all strength and power.
Regarding competition in goodness, the Quran states: “so take the lead in all good works” (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 148). Viewing sport through the lens of benefit and virtue, athletic competitions can embody this divine call. Competition in sports not only fosters individual growth but also strengthens the spirit of unity and collaboration within society.
As for worship through sincere intention, it is said that all actions are judged by their intentions. If one approaches sport with a pure heart and seeks the pleasure of Allah, physical movements transform into acts of remembrance, and the effort becomes a form of worship.