What Quran Says/21

Quranic Teachings about Wealth, Removing Poverty

11:16 - July 23, 2022
News ID: 3479799
TEHRAN (IQNA) – The issue of poverty has been a widespread problem in human societies throughout history. What is Islam’s view on a fundamental solution to this problem?



According to Islamic teachings, without human beings constantly paying attention to people around them and helping those in need there can be no hope for improvement of the condition of the poor. This is an issue the Holy Quran talks about extensively.

A concept dubbed Infaq has been introduced as the solution. The word Infaq means filling up a hole and here it refers to removing financial needs. It is a type of charity in Islam that is given without any expectation of reward or return. One gives Infaq for the betterment of society and to please God. As well as wealth and money, Infaq can be related to one’s knowledge, reputation and position.

The positive outcomes of Infaq are no secret. Among them are reduction of social gaps, promoting kindness and compassion, burgeoning of the spirit of generosity, and, above all, getting closer to God.

This teaching has been mentioned in many verses of the Holy Quran, including verse 274 of Surah Al-Baqarah:

“Those who spend their wealth by day and by night, in private and in public, their wage is with their Lord, and no fear shall be on them, neither shall they sorrow.”

This is known as the Verse of Infaq and gives the divine good news to those who do Infaq in any situation. Such people are neither fearful of getting poor nor get sad because they believe in truthfulness of God’s promises and also attach importance to God’s pleasure and the rewards for Infaq that they will receive in the Hereafter.

In his Noor Exegesis of the Quran, Mohsen Qara’ati says this verse sums up the teachings of the previous 14 verses that talked about Infaq.

It is important to note that the importance attached to Infaq in Islam does not mean that the religion encourages begging, as in many Hadiths asking others for financial help without need it has been criticized. Also the best type of Infaq is giving one the means to start a job to earn money instead of giving them money.

Messages of Verse 274 of Surah AL-Baqarah:

1- It is important to have a spirit of generosity and Infaq not just sometimes giving money to the poor. The word Yunfequn signifies continuation of Infaq.

2- The fact that the verse does not specify the reward for Infaq shows how extensive it is: (their wage is with their Lord).

3- Divine promises are the best encouragement for mankind to do good deeds.

4- Feeling peace and security are among the blessings that come with Infaq: (no fear shall be on them, neither shall they sorrow).

According to many interpreters of the Quran, the precise example of doing Infaq that this verse refers to is Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) and that this verse has been revealed after his Infaq.

Allameh Tabatabaei, in his Al-Mizan Quran Exegesis, names a long list of Quran interpretations and Islamic books that have narrated the story of his Infaq: Imam Ali (AS) had four Dirhams. He gave all of it as Infaq, one Dirham at night, one in the day, one in private and one in public.







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