Surahs of Quran/47

How to Treat POWs According to Surah Muhammad

10:25 - December 13, 2022
News ID: 3481649
TEHRAN (IQNA) – The 47th chapter of the Quran is Surah Muhammad and one of the issues mentioned in it is how to treat prisoners of war.

Surah Muhammad


Surah Muhammad is Madani (revealed in Medina), has 38 verses and is in the 26th Juz. It is the 95th Surah revealed to the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

The name of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is mentioned in verse 2 and hence the name of the Surah.

The main theme of this chapter of the Quran is describing the characteristics and good deeds of believers and the characteristics and bad deeds of disbelievers, and then comparing the fate of the two groups on the Day of Judgment.

It also talks about the issue of Jihad and fighting the enemies of Islam. The reason why most of the verses feature war is said to be because the Surah was revealed when the Battle of Uhud was underway. It is the second battle between Muslims and disbelievers, in which Muslims were defeated.

The two words of Izlal (deviation) and Ihbat (cancellation of the reward of obedience and good deeds due to committing sins) are used frequently to refer to the actions and fate of disbelievers.  

The content of the Surah can be summarized into the following subjects: Faith and Kufr (disbelief) and comparing the conditions of believers and disbelievers in this world and the next, Jihad against enemies and how to treat prisoners of war, describing the hypocrites who at the time of the revelation of these verses were making destructive moves in Medina, urging people to travel through the earth and learn lessons from the fate of previous peoples, and the issue of divine tests.

One of the issues mentioned in this Surah is Ihbat. It means that bad deeds and sins ruin the effects of one’s good deeds.

Other issues discussed in the Surah are four Fiqhi (jurisprudential) and military rules about prisoners of war, consoling the Holy Prophet (PBUH) about leaving Mecca and promising that he will return to the holy city, and urging believers to do Infaq (almsgiving) and avoid stinginess and parsimony.

Surah Muhammad was revealed during a period of time when Muslims were fighting disbelievers and Jews and needed steadfastness in battle as well as Infaq and financial aid in order to continue the battle.

In fact, the issue of Jihad and fighting Islam’s enemies is the main subject discussed in this Surah. One of the recommendations is about how to treat prisoners of war: “Take them as captives when they are defeated. Then you may set them free as a favor to them, with or without a ransom, when the battle is over. This is the Law.” (Verse 4)



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