Surahs of Quran/36

Surah Yasin; Heart and Essence of Quran

14:48 - October 16, 2022
News ID: 3480872
TEHRAN (IQNA) – There are different issues and subjects mentioned in the Holy Quran, with the major and key ones being related to the three principles of religion, namely monotheism, prophethood and resurrection.

Surah Yasin


Surah Yasin is among the chapters that discuss these major issues.

Yasin (Yaseen) is the 36th Surah of the Quran. It has 83 verses and is in the 22nd and 23rd Juzes. Yasin is Makki and was the 43rd chapter revealed to the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

It begins with Huroof-e-Muqattaat (disjoined letters) of ‘Ya’ and ‘Seen’ and hence comes its name. According to Hadiths, Yasin is among the most virtuous Surahs of the Holy Book.

It is known as the “Heart of the Quran” and the reason, some scholars believe, is that it includes the overall subjects mentioned in the entre Quran and that if one pays close attention to this chapter, it is as if he has comprehended all of the Quran.

Surah Yasin was revealed to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) when disbelievers denied the issue of resurrection and God, the Almighty, sent down this Surah in response to them.

The Surah points to three principles of monotheism, prophethood and resurrection. It talks about the resurrection of the dead and how limbs speak on the Day of Judgment.

The starting verses refer to the issue of prophethood, its philosophy and how people react to the invitation of messengers of God. They underline that the outcome of accepting the invitation is revival of people and that only those who accept this call will be on the path to salvation.

Then there are verses about monotheism and signs of oneness of God.

The section about the Resurrection Day is the most important part of the Surah. These verses are about the resurrection of the dead, separation of sinners from the righteous, how people are asked questions, the end of the world, and heaven and hell.

The closing verses describe the conditions of sinners and good-doers on that day and then there is a brief discussion about the three principles of monotheism, prophethood and resurrection.

There is also a story in this Surah about a three-strong delegation sent to a city to invite people to worshipping God. In some sources, the three are referred to as God’s angels or envoys of Jesus (AS).

The people rejected their call and only one man accepted it and became a believer. He urged others to believe but the people of the city killed him and were punished by God.

The name of this person is not mentioned in the Quran, but in Hadiths, he has been praised and named as Habib the Carpenter. He is said to have been buried in Antakya (Antioch), now in Turkey.



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